Poetry Breakfast.com is a marvelous site which delivers  a daily poem, like a fresh croissant. (Or a scone, or a blueberry muffin, depending). My poem "Tethered" appeared in the January 6, 2017 edition.

Check it out here: https://poetrybreakfast.com/2017/01/06/tethered-a-poem-by-gabriella-brand/

or read it below:


The grand-babies appeared among us, delivered on the doorstep,
wrinkled like little rutabagas.
They were new, untouched, plucked fresh from the garden, or wherever they come from, babies. No one knows.

They showed up just as I was thinking about my own departure,
Not that I’m ready to leave, but let’s face it, the earth, sometime soon, will call me home.

That’s how it is. Someone always arriving, someone always heading off.

Seven decades, moving towards eight, I am.
Getting a bit crusty around the edges, like stale bread, that’s what old folks are.
But the babies are wet and soft, like the flesh of summer plums.
They drip and drool and taste delicious.

I hold them tight, gumming them with kisses,
rocking them with cradle songs from the old country,
the ones my Nonna sang to me.

And I can feel time
like a feather, tickling my heart.

7 responses to “Tethered….a poem about babies”

  1. Loved it…especially poignant for those of us who are getting a little crusty around the edges. Merci! Louise

    From: Gabriella Brand….Wordsmith To: lciulla@yahoo.com Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 8:30 AM Subject: [New post] Breakfast Poetry… #yiv5297190446 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv5297190446 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv5297190446 a.yiv5297190446primaryactionlink:link, #yiv5297190446 a.yiv5297190446primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv5297190446 a.yiv5297190446primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv5297190446 a.yiv5297190446primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv5297190446 WordPress.com | Gabriella Brand posted: “Poetry Breakfast.com is a marvelous site which delivers  a daily poem, like a fresh croissant. (Or a scone, or a blueberry muffin, depending). Today my poem “Tethered” was featured. Enjoy!poetrybreakfast.com/…by-gabriella-brand/.” | |


  2. This is so beautiful. Love your veggie/fruit imagery!


  3. I love your luscious-grandbaby poem! I have recently become a grandmother…thank you for putting words to my own experience.


    1. Thank you! Enjoy the next generation!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Gabriella, I am now reading Mothballs. And laughing out loud! (Soon I will be reading out loud, to my partner, who is wondering….).


  5. tres attendrissant…un delice a savourer
    Merci de partager avec nous tes poemes et histoires


  6. C’est beau et évocateur…merci d’en avoir partager!


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